Jeff Stehy/ Mark Soriano/ Eliza Hanson- POSTPONED
Sigh, another COVID postponement. Keep checking for updates. They will reschedule for a later date. Please call 920-563-9391 to reserve seats. If it has not been updated here, be sure to […]
Sigh, another COVID postponement. Keep checking for updates. They will reschedule for a later date. Please call 920-563-9391 to reserve seats. If it has not been updated here, be sure to […]
CLAUDIA SCHMIDT Will reschedule when Claudia next returns to the Midwest.
BILL CAMPLIN "ditches his band so that you are forced to focus on his singing and instrumental talents. Lonesome with benefits." (That is a quote, not from Bill. or […]
BILL CAMPLIN "ditches his band so that you are forced to focus on his singing and instrumental talents. Lonesome with benefits."- a quote. Please call 920-563-9391 to reserve seats for the […]
Buy tickets for the in-house show below the bio. COVID protocols remain in place. Mask wearing in back room and proof of vaccination required. Purchase tickets for the live stream here. ELLIS […]