JEFFREY will be appearing with BILLY CONWAY on this special Memorial Day show.  Close out your holiday with some food and fine music. THE NEW YORKER: “Jeffrey Foucault, sings stark, literate songs that are as wide open as the landscape of his native Midwest.” MOJO: “Songwriting brilliance.” THE IRISH TIMES: “Quietly brilliant…” UNCUT: “The music of […]



Thoughtful indie folk music (Americana doom pop) by people young, hungry & in the area so why not come give them a listen? STRANGLED DARLINGS brings a punk intensity to their live show. Taking a cello and making it a hip hop bass. Taking mandolin and slapping it like a stubborn mule. The Portland-based duo has […]



KAREN JOHNSON Sweet-voiced Fort folksinger Karen loves Nancy Griffith, Allison Kraus, and others of that genre. Give her another listen here.


More than 4 decades as a touring professional have found Michigan native  CLAUDIA SCHMIDT traversing North America as well as Europe in venues ranging from intimate clubs to 4,000 seat theatres, and festival stages in front of 25,000 rapt listeners. She has recorded nineteen albums of mostly original songs, exploring folk, blues, and jazz idioms […]
