Back so soon after wowing us all in May, but we don't mind. Don't miss the amazing MATT LORENZ as the SUITCASE JUNKET. THE SUITCASE JUNKET is a one-man tour de force out of Western Massachusetts. Matt has been road dogging for three years, solo and with his band Rusty Belle, touring with Chris Smithers, […]



David Alan Ramont was born in Illinois one muggy, August Tuesday with a song stuck in his head. The doctors couldn’t get it out. (He was also left-handed but they couldn’t fix that either.) He grew into a little kid and began listening to lots of vinyl- Simon & Garfunkel, Stones, Guess Who, Dylan, Gary […]



This five piece bluegrass ball of fire featuring vocals, banjo, fiddle, guitar, bass and mandolin appears here regularly on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Its various members have been involved with traditional music locally, regionally, and nationally for many years. The Pioneer’s lead singer and guitarist, Jerry Wicentowski, has been described by country music […]
