Excited we are to have Martha make her first appearance at the Carpe with Jon Neufeld. MARTHA SCANLAN’s long-awaited third release, The Shape Of Things Gone Missing, The Shape Of Things To Come, is already being heralded as her best work yet. Given the beloved status of her first two records, that’s a tall order […]



We are excited to have internationally-known multi-instrumentalist, singer/songwriter, and producer ERIN MCKEOWN play here. With 9 full length albums, 2 EPs, and numerous soundtracks to her credit, she has spent the last 15 years crafting a reputation as an original musical voice and compelling live performer. An active voice on social justice issues and culture, Erin was […]



It's been 15 years since ROD PICOTT laid down his work belt, picked up an acoustic guitar and put a permanent end to his gig as a sheet rock hanger. He'd been writing music in private for years, but it was 2001's Tiger Tom Dixon's Blues — a debut album that bridged the gap between between […]



LIAM O'BRIEN, of Liam O'Brien's Faithless Followers, will be appearing here solo. Liam O'Brien is a Wisconsinite dabbling in an eclectic blend of styles for various venues from street corner to concert hall. Throughout a variety of approaches, his lyrical integrity is ever-present, penning original musings on the inner-workings of the human psyche. His songs […]


KAIA FOWLER w/ Steve Tesmer

Kaia Fowler’s music is a cross-blend of folk, blues, rock and Americana. Through supple, strong vocals and guitar work that ranges from delicate finger style to rhythmic strumming, Kaia shares songs that explore life’s longings, struggles and celebrations. Rooted in nature, Kaia’s songs resonate with strength and vulnerability, seeking to bring light even when approaching […]
