Apparently there some confusion has arisen as to the time of this event.  The Wranglers and the Carpe now agree that it is at 8:30. THE RADIO WRANGLERS hail from Wisconsin and are heavily influenced by the sounds of the 1930's, 40's and 50's with influences ranging from Country and Western, Western Swing, and Honky Tonk. […]



Their annual Saturday show. This five piece bluegrass ball of fire featuring vocals, banjo, fiddle, guitar, bass and mandolin appears here regularly on the 2nd Thursday of the month.  BUT once a year they do a Saturday gig, and this is it.  We like to keep you on your toes. Its various members have been involved […]


PETER MULVEY end of marathon charity concert

Wherein PETER MULVEY acts charitably for once, performing a 12 hour live-streamed concert on Concert Window, at 7 o'clock in the various time zones of the world of his followers, and an in-person concert here at the Carpe. First set will be him solo, while second set will feature SISTAH STRINGS and NATE KILEN. The concert will […]



Round robin song circle led by TRICIA ALEXANDER– (performer, poet, healer, “with a voice, music and lyrics that resonate the heart”) done informally, not from the stage, no microphones. This is a lovely gathering of singers, songwriters, musicians and music appreciators! Traditional Round Robin protocol applies – everyone is part of the circle and has […]
