This five piece bluegrass ball of fire featuring vocals, banjo, fiddle, guitar, bass and mandolin appears here regularly on the 2nd Thursday of the month- except when they don’t.  Its various members have been involved with traditional music locally, regionally, and nationally for many years. The Pioneer’s lead singer and guitarist, Jerry Wicentowski, has been […]



Mark is a native of Ireland who has lived in many varied places from London to the back woods of Tennessee but settled in 2001 with his lovely wife Janice here in Fort Atkinson. Being the son of a classical violinist/orchestra conductor, hearing and appreciating music was always part of life, however attempts at actually […]



JOHN ELLIOTT  writes gripping stream-of-consciousness songs that often take unexpected turns en route to delivering a powerful message. Chuck Schiele of The San Diego Troubadour wrote about Elliott's lyrics: "They get in, make their statement, kick you in the teeth, and get out before they start talking too much...And this lends to the urge of rolling […]



Come on down and strut your stuff in a 2 song rotation with others.


2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, except when other Carpe musical events displace it. Irish music players and audience welcome.