Buy tickets below.  Bio will follow ticket link. A DRIFTLESS REVELERS show will lure you in with their joy–keep you dancing with their search for the cosmic groove in the confines of stringed instruments–and will send you on your way with flashbacks of the Driftless Revelry found only in the essence of the intangible reaches […]

CHRIS HANSON BAND New Year’s Eve Afternoon

We are doing our annual New Year's Eve music and dinner package with a twist- an afternoon meal followed by a 5:30 show to get everyone home early. (Don't have lunch so you will be good and hungry by mid-afternoon.) The meal will be a spinach cream soup, salad, and beef carbonnade (served over pasta). […]


We are doing what is now customary- closing for the month of January. We will reopen with renewed vigor on Friday February 2. Maybe by then all of your new year's resolutions to avoid us will have been forgotten.


ARLEN is a keen group of three of the Midwest’s finest Americana singer-songwriters – Kyle Shelstad (Barbaro), Lee Henke (The Last Revel), and Soren Staff (Them Coulee Boys). The trio blossomed during a chilly February weekend last winter. The three longtime songwriting friends met at a studio in Minneapolis to see what would happen if […]