Tradition says Hayward must play here the day after Thanksgiving, and who are we to define a wonderful tradition? HAYWARD WILLIAMS is a veteran singer/songwriter from Milwaukee, WI. With six full length records under his belt, Williams is set to release his latest effort: Pretenders.  This record is yet another swan dive into the deep […]



THE HOME FIRES is an Americana duo based in Minneapolis comprised of critically acclaimed singer/songwriters, SARAH MORRIS and VICKY EMERSON. Sarah and Vicky are established touring artists and after developing a close friendship and playing live shows together, they unearthed a gorgeous new sound featuring Sarah’s clear, melodic voice and Vicky’s warm, weathered harmony. They are excited to return to Cafe Carpe […]



Round robin song circle led by TRICIA ALEXANDER– (performer, poet, healer, “with a voice, music and lyrics that resonate the heart”) done informally, not from the stage, no microphones. This is a lovely gathering of singers, songwriters, musicians and music appreciators, poets, and storytellers held regularly on the last Thursday of each month (except sometimes). Traditional Round Robin […]



Modern-folk duo FRICTION FARM is a husband and wife team of traveling troubadours. Aidan Quinn and Christine Stay combine storytelling, social commentary and humor to create songs of everyday life, local heroes, and quirky observations. From ballads to anthems each song is filled with harmony and hope. Friction Farm's lyrically rich, harmony-driven songs have earned […]



Purchase tickets in advance by clicking on Buy tickets. BILL MILLER is an award-winning Native American recording artist, performer, songwriter, activist, painter, and world-class accomplished flute player. Over the entirety, Miller has produced over a dozen albums, received three Grammy Awards, numerous NAMA awards (including a “Lifetime Achievement Award) and led Wisconsin’s La Crosse Symphony Orchestra. […]
