Round robin song circle led by TRICIA ALEXANDER– (performer, poet, healer, “with a voice, music and lyrics that resonate the heart”) done informally, not from the stage, no microphones. This is a lovely gathering of singers, songwriters, musicians and music appreciators! Traditional Round Robin protocol applies – everyone is part of the circle and has an opportunity to: […]


KIRA HOOKS/ Kaia Fowler

KIRA HOOKS  Nashville-based Kira is an independent and free-spirited soul that refuses to be put in a box. She was born in Houston, TX in 1993 and raised overseas in The Netherlands, Nigeria, Scotland, and China. Kira's musical versatility is reflective of her exposure and curiosity to cultural differences and emotional similarities. She is always […]



Definitely thought I had listed this, but somehow with the change of date I didn't.  Definitely on for this Thursday, October 19. This five piece bluegrass ball of fire featuring vocals, banjo, fiddle, guitar, bass and mandolin appears here regularly on the 2nd Thursday of the month- except when they don’t- like this month.  Its […]



Madison band BING BONG riffs, rambles, and (mostly) rocks power pop with a heavy hint of rockabilly. The taut & driving rhythm section keeps the energy high while melodious vocals alternate between tough-girl rock and rock opera harmonies. The brilliant guitars serve up tasty plucktitudes and luscious riffs of ear candy listeners cannot resist. Please call […]
