Masks recommended.  We will try to keep doors and windows open but COVID seems to be having its way so be careful. I don't care what anyone says, Bill can sing and play guitar with the best of them. Come check him out.  



Please call 920-563-9391 to reserve seats.  NOTE: COVID protocols of proof of vaccination and mask wearing in the listening room are likely to still be in place. Tried and true- They were here in October and hit it out of the park. MY POLITIC is a folk/Americana band based in Nashville TN. Kaston Guffey and Nick […]



Family gatherings are compelling us to take this week off. We hope you enjoy yourselves. Back in the swing of things evening of June 1.

BILL KIRCHEN (of Commander Cody) w/ Radoslav Lorkovic

Purchase tickets below. Masks recommended in our intimate listening room space to protect performers and any vulnerable among us (which is all of us, really). Windows will be open for better ventilation. Upon tallying how many decades he’s worked as a professional guitar slinger, Telecaster master BILL KIRCHEN quips, “Well, they don’t make 50 years like […]



Please call 920-563-9391 to reserve seats and to indicate whether you are likely to eat here. Be aware that COVID restrictions could be in place, and be prepared to present proof of vaccination and wear a mask in the listening room if they are. Call with any questions or concerns. STEVE BORCHARDT, PERRY BAIRD, and […]
